Monday, January 12, 2009

Hola, es mi, Junipero . . . with some quick thoughts.

Sorry Junipero take so long to write more stuff, but Junipero busy at Junipero's Cantina coming up with new ideas for make much money. Which of following projects you think is best?

1. Junipero's Apprentice Millionaire School. Name say it all, no you think?

2. "Take Home, Junipero." For small fee , Junipero come your casa and prepare meal magnifico.

3. Junipero's Cantina Collection Jar for Alice Needs A New Macbook . . .

This kind of off-topic, but Junipero curious . . . The other day Junipero go to gun store to buy assault rifle for trained bear, Toby. Man behind counter tell Junipero is illegal buy gun for Toby. Junipero no understand. Does not Second Amendment give right to arm bears?

Hey, also, how come in this country peoples drive on parkways and park in driveways? Sorry, Junipero just think about that . . . sometimes think about so many things is often hard to keep track of brilliant ideas . . .

More later,

Junipero just want you no think he die and go to . . . oh, you know: someplace else.

1 comment:

  1. Well Junipero,

    Obviously, I vote for number three....Alice needs a new Macbook, BAD! After that, Apprentice Millionaire School definitely sounds good. I would choose "Take Home Junipero" except that I can already make some mean enchiladas.
